Wordless Wednesday


Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday! We have come a long way! This is video footage of Jameson, one year ago…

Wordless Wednesday


Making Everyday Memories

Some of my favorite memories of this year so far…

The moment Jackson was born. So amazing to have done this twice, I feel incredibly blessed.

Jackson’s smile. To die for, loving those double dimples.

The fun adventures we have experienced recently in our new neighborhood.

Jameson’s smile. Love that handsome little boy.

Watching my two sons bond. Even at this young age I can tell that they are going to be best friends.

And us. Our little family of four.



Latest Video: Jameson At 2 years old Using his Prosthesis or we call it his ‘helper’ arm

Video: Last night Jameson wearing his left helper! He’s amazing at just two years old!

Getting Back To My Creative Self

Project #1image


Being creative makes me happy!

The past few years have been a little rough and somewhere in there I lost touch with that part of myself. Too much time was spent worrying about Jameson and making sure he would be okay. And not to mention five pregnancies, doctor visit after doctor visit, and of course all the time spent raising funds for prosthetics. But now things have calmed down and we are so blessed to have two beautiful healthy children, a new house and I am proud to say that Jameson is thriving and doing amazing!

With our new-found down time and a bigger home I can get back to doing healthy activities with my family. Some of those activities involve arts and crafts and ” do it yourself” projects! With a Bachelors’s Degree in Design, I like to think of myself as a creative person and I could not be more excited for all the possibilities!

My boys are still a little bit young for most of the projects I have in mind, but I love the thought of one day being able to create something together.

With that being said:

Project #1

With Halloween just around the corner, I decided to take all the pickle jars (about eight of them) that I saved this last year (I was pregnant ok) and turn them into colorful jack o’lanterns or rather “jar” o’ lanterns!












Easy peasy!