The Big First Haircut!

Before having kids, I never thought twice about baby’s first haircut. I just figured that you would snip a few locks here and there, save a curl for the baby book and done.  So not the case. For some odd reason it was difficult for me to finally decide to take Jameson in for the official first cut. I guess I was sad it might make him look too grown up and that we would lose his blond curls forever. He is, after all still my baby, who’s not even two! Motherhood definitely does funny things to a person. 🙂

Well we did it, yesterday was the day. And the hair dresser was fabulous! She cut it just perfect, not too short and surprisingly it seems to be even more curly. I am very happy and my fear that he would end up looking like a little businessman is gone!

Sat in the chair all by himself!

Sat in the chair all by himself!

Adorable but looking a little girly

So relaxed!

He did a great job sitting still!

He did a great job sitting still!

All done!

All done!

In the bath the night before.

The curls are still there!

The curls are still there!

Baby Davis # 2 Is On The Way!

That’s right, Jameson is going to be a big brother this year! We are beyond excited and very blessed to be expecting another baby.image

Yes, this was planned. No, we are not crazy! Jim and I have always known that we wanted children. From the very beginning we dreamed of having a family of our own, and maybe a big one at that. However, we did not know that achieving said dream would prove to be more of a challenge for us than most.

Despite suffering several losses, enduring painful injections (me), and receiving life-changing news that our first would be born with special needs- we have decided that we still want more children. To say the least, it has been a scary decision, but we have put much thought into it and we know in our hearts that it’s the right one for us. After all, our first child, Jameson, adds so much joy to our lives, we could not love him more. AND he is going to make an awesome big brother!

So, lo and behold this past fall, I found myself staring at a positive hpt (home pregnancy test)! I was petrified, this was happening. I knew that I had to pull strength from anywhere I could get it and be brave. This is what we prayed for.

Four and a half months of hard baby incubation work later, we got to see how our little one was doing. A day that we were extremely panicked about, the dreaded mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Having been through so much has really put things into a different perspective for us. Pregnancy is Scary! Joys that other couples share while pregnant are terrifying to us. Normally this ultrasound should have been something to look forward to. Nope. But, we knew what we signed up for. Because we had no real answer for why Jameson’s limb deficiency occurred, many frightening thoughts ran through our minds.  As the tech placed the wand on my belly I cried, a second later a little hand waved at us and she said ” I can tell you right now that I see full arms and legs”!  And…image

The Perinatologist that was there for the scan said he looks great! We could not be more thrilled and are so very blessed! Now, to choose another boy name yikes! So not easy;)image

3-D image, his hands up near his face.

3-D image, his hands up near his face.

His little feet!

His little feet!

2013 in review

The stats for my blog in 2013! Pretty cool, I had no idea people from all over the world came to visit us! Thank you.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 21,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 8 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.