Here They Are: Jameson’s 1st Myo’s

Jameson now has his finished set of Myo’s!


I think I mentioned in my last post that we had to leave Advanced Arm Dynamics before the Myoelectric prosthetics were finalized. It took a little bit longer than originally planned to receive the arms, but it was well worth the wait! His new prosthesis are obviously far more advanced than his passive’s, therefore more time was needed in the final building process.

Here they are!

To complete the finished look, Jim and I were in charge of what the pattern/color would be. Interestingly enough, they use fabric for this process and note: there was not a handy catalog from which to choose from.

Luckily, before getting too overwhelmed, we stumbled upon an awesome thrift store find that worked with our vision! Overall, they turned out great and we could not be happier.

Jameson is indifferent of coarse, but someday he will appreciate all of this, I hope!imageimageimageimage

11 responses to “Here They Are: Jameson’s 1st Myo’s

  1. So amazing that technology is now advanced so that Jameson now has hands. Can’t even image what awaits him as he ages…perhaps, actually being able to sense feelings in his hands!!


  2. I know Hector Picard worked long and hard to help with this and look at the beautiful little boy who gets to have hands because of loving parents and people like Hector. May God Bless you all!!


    • Emma- if you read my other posts you will see that we DO let him use what he was born with. He is amazing at using his short arms! We chose to introduce prosthesis to him so that he has EVERY option available. If he chooses not to use them then that is ok. So far he does not mind at all, in fact every time he puts them on it’s all fun and very positive! When he wants them off we take them off!! Is it so sad that we love our child and want to help give him every opportunity we can to make his life less challenging?


  3. Jameson is adorable with and without his super cool new myos. Brooke, you and Jim are doing such a wonderful job giving him options, showing him how to be an independent and active little boy. (N


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